Save launches the first ESG-focused savings program in the U.S.

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Save®, a fintech company that helps people get a higher return on their spending and savings, today announced that it has added a new environmental, social and governance portfolio (ESG) yields from the iShares ESG Aware ETF, among other ETFs. According to Morningstar Direct, global sustainable fund assets stood at $2.24 trillion at the end of September. With Market Savings, Save responds to this market opportunity with its first bank-driven savings product. ESG.

In addition to Save’s sustainable investment strategy, the program supports sustainable projects, through a US-based tree planting project in partnership with Reforest’Action. For the program, Save guarantees the planting of one tree for every $5,000 deposited in ESG Market Savings, a deposit of up to $250 million, supporting the planting of up to 50,000 trees in Northern Ireland and New York State.

Forests are the largest terrestrial carbon sink in the world, and forest ecosystems are home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity. Planting trees offers many benefits, including improved climate, biodiversity, health and jobs. Save-sponsored trees are located in Cobleskill, NY, on a former organic dairy farm. Chestnut, hazel, red oak, Acadia, persimmon and black walnut are varieties that will limit soil erosion and improve soil quality.

ESG portfolios aim to deliver returns similar to general market standards while maximizing ESG characteristics and excluding companies with certain practices. The ETFs that makeup Save’s ESG portfolio select companies deemed acceptable for specific governance, social, and environmental rules. Since the launch of the ESG wallet, about 10% of Market Savings subscribers choose the Save ESG wallet.

“Consumers are increasingly turning to ethical choices in all aspects of life including investments. We see it as our fiduciary responsibility to offer ethical investing through our Market Savings program for those consumers who seek these choices,”
Michael Nelskyla, Founder and CEO of Save.

Save, an investment advisor registered with the SEC, expects the return potential of the Market Savings program on its innovative Savetech platform to far exceed the potential of traditional high-yield savings accounts. , while client deposits are still FDIC-insured.1 Program effectiveness is not guaranteed but will vary based on underlying market performance.

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